trans-trident.gif (21925 bytes) SEAL Team TWO 40th


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                     loggosealtwo.jpg (9027 bytes) SEAL Team TWO  40th Anniversary     Picture Album Photos by Erasmo "Doc" Riojas       loggosealtwo.jpg (9027 bytes)


admiraltomme_small.jpg (4957 bytes)   names on a need to know basis. anivgroup_small.jpg (5360 bytes)
click on pictures to enlarge them. aroundtable_small.jpg (5993 bytes) billytomrioarchie_small.jpg (4488 bytes)
bobreivewife_small.jpg (9482 bytes) burbank_small.jpg (7557 bytes)
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earlymacione_small.jpg (4039 bytes) earlymacione02_small.jpg (6685 bytes)
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groupst2_small.jpg (7371 bytes) hootroysusan_small.jpg (5411 bytes)
jeanjackmarge_small.jpg (4428 bytes)                  lady_small.jpg (1610 bytes)    jessiefranktipton_small.jpg (6389 bytes)
macflyrickriolenny_small.jpg (5040 bytes)                     macfly_small.jpg (3140 bytes)
peterio010502_small.jpg (6181 bytes) mannyperez_small.jpg (4493 bytes)
riojimcook_small.jpg (3051 bytes) rudymargelu_small.jpg (3522 bytes)
tomfriends_small.jpg (4548 bytes)
tomhawkinswife_small.jpg (5528 bytes) tomriojas_small.jpg (6249 bytes)                         There was NO cake.                                                                             
younglion_small.jpg (3956 bytes)Rudy said, "the one thing in common that the active duty Young Lions have on us old timers is their great taste in women!" tomroy_small.jpg (6849 bytes)



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