Another Asshole goes down! Thanks to the Wannabe SEAL "mopsquad"
A SEAL Warrior!
his letter from
Frog/SEAL Heaven
After viewing the Guardian Angel's Web Site with all their retaliatory remarks and fabrications about my SEAL brothers,; that night I had this dream.
I dreamed that Curtis Ashton, from Sweetwater TX, talked to me concerning the
Guardian Angels. Curtis Ashton (read "Good To Go"
Harry Constance and see their pictures on the cover) was KIA on his second 'Nam Wargames
Tour. Lil Ashton Died a young man doing what he trained for and what he believed was the
right thing to do. "Lil Ashton" as he was known in SEAL Team TWO back in the
dark ages of Special Naval Warfare.
"Doc, I was killed in action in the 'Nam War Games, but I am not forgotten. I am always in the present minds of the SEALs that lived thru that fiasco. You guys will never forget us or allow us to have died in vain.
You and I made our first tour to Ho Chi Minh's backyard together in 1967. We had a lot of fun and games with the origional Seventh Platoon.
Too bad we lost one man, Gene Fraley. I felt sorry for "Rinney" his
german shepard, but we all worked it out and we finished a fantastic tour of duty in 1968.
We got a little rattled during Tet when the VC overan MyTHo, but we survied that and lived
to send some of those 'cong to Budda.
I miss you guys as much as you guys miss me. We are a tight family, remember: "We are
the> Frog Family, the best family!" That is
quite a song, huh?
Doc, you are troubled by this new web site that has popped up by some bitter person or persons because you guys are intimidating some people claiming to be U S Navy SEALs.
Doc , you can see by their web site that they are taking shots at us guys in the dark, just like the VC used to do, trying to draw our fire. You can see from their dialogue that they do not have the slighest notion what they write and suggest to those idiots claiming they are Navy SEALs.
If they are Navy SEALs , they don't need a bunch of split tails to try and do their own fightin' and argueing. If they truely were one of us, they would stand right up and let it "Rock and Roll!" Doc, they are total assholes speaking thru their psychotic minds!
My country, The US of A is turning into a pot of really sickos. Drugs, pills, uppers, downers, cough syrup, etc, now they are trying to get high on a phony adrenaline rush that they are Navy SEALs!
I read the Guardian Angels Website. Doc, they speak with forked tongue!
In the native american tradition, go clip it off! Use nothing but the truth. No
violence, no contests of endurance, just the truth with words.
Invite one of these Angels to the Reunion, or the Ft. Pierce Muster and let them see that
we are a very small group of men that has a tradition that is envied by the entire Armed
Forces (this is not to say the sister services don't have a tradition, but our's is the
most copied by WannaBe's, they always pick SEALs).
This is your buddy, Curtis "lil Ashton" Ashton, you Texan swim buddy. We did six months in the 'Nam and we lived thru it.
I am sorry I got zapped on my second tour, but it did not hurt. You remember Fred Keener, my swimbuddy, on our first tour of duty. Fred was standing over me identiying my remains at graves registration and I remember him saying "that is cCurtis!"
The Graves Registration "dog faces" were pissing Keener off because they kept asking how he could tell it was me since I had my face blown off! It did not hurt me, I did not even know what happened until i was on the chopper in a body bag.
Anyway, I came home to Texas and I was remembered by all the SEALs that knew me that attended my funeral.I know I will never be forgotten even if there weren't a 'Nam Wall.
My name is on that Vietnam Wall, get a copy of it and put it on your web site and show it to the Guardian Angels. My death is real! So was my life!
Fuck 'em Doc, you guys are right! NO ONE should be allowed to impersonate a Navy SEAL! That honor is reserved to us, the guys who did the WALK, and earned the right to do the TALK!
Don't let us guys to have died in vain. Don't let anyone do the Talk, unless they have Walked the Walk!
By the way, I am drinking some PBR's with Fraley, Ramos, Rischer,Trani, Albright,
and some of the other guys from ST-1, Ike Rodriguez who got it in Panama is here playing
his guitar, the guys that died in Grenada are telling their story, and all those who died
in training are taking it all in.
We let them wear the BUDWEISER up here, they earned it because they never said "I
We are doing fine, and especially proud that some of the buildings at BUDs and The Creek have been named after us!
Don't let anyhone in the Teams forget that Pain is temporary, but Pride is for life and after life!
Doc Rio, thanks for keeping our memories alive. We Live!
Doc, now go do your job, Hunt down every scumbag WannaBe SEAL and make him eat his phony stories.
Tu Amigo,
Curtis Ashton (SEAL) KIA
but living an eternally proud life in Frog Heaven.
PS: Freakin Body Bags are COLD! can't somebody invent warm ones?
Frakey(KIA) and Rinny
The Making of an American Warrior
and article from the Reader's Digest Mag. with color pictures.
These citizens are some of the most unsecure people in the universe who DO NOT HAVE THEIR OWN LIVES!
It is not against the law to become a SEAL WannaBe, but once you take that step, in the name of our dead commrades, we will strip you of your bloated ego and put you into your proper place in life.
No violence, just words.
This next Link is for those of you wannabe's who insist that impersonating a U.S. Navy SEAL is Okay.
These ladies will give you some moral support in the pursuit of your ficticous lives. They call themselves the
Guardian Angels, and they claim that they are protecting your freedom of speech.
udtseal @
I am also available at
elticitl @
I am relatively easy to locate, but if you come over to visit me and try to fuck me over , make sure you french-kiss me first! I hate making love without a little foreplay!
Table of Contents
Lessons I've learned...I've learned that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is stalk them and hope they panic and give in. I've learned that no matter how much I care, some people are just assholes. I've learned that it takes years to build up trust, and only suspicion, not proof, to destroy it. I've learned that you can get by on charm for about fifteen minutes. After that, you'd better have a big dick or huge tits. I've learned that you shouldn't compare yourself to others - they are more fucked up than you think. I've learned that you can keep puking long after you think you're finished. I've learned that we are responsible for what we do, unless we are celebrities. (OJ come to mind?) I've learned that regardless of how hot and steamy a relationship is at first, the passion fades, and there had better be a lot of money to take its place. I've learned that sometimes the people you expect to kick you when you're down will be the ones who do. I've learned that we don't have to ditch bad friends because their dysfunctional makes us feel better about ourselves. I've learned that SEAL WannaBe's are here to stay, but so am I, and there is a line of my swimbuddies waiting to take my place. I've learned that the people you care most about in life are taken from you too soon. I've learned to say "Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke" in 6 languages.
by CHRIS PARKER, The Morning Call This article is © The Morning Call Newspaper Company
After that, he battled his way through a four-year tour of Vietnam. He's still fighting. Russell is the founder of a small band of men who expose those who falsely claim to be Navy SEALs. In Vietnam, Russell wielded knives and grenades. Now, his weapons of war are computers, fax machines and a handful of retired SEALs scattered across the country. Russell, 56, of Fort Collins, Colo., is long retired from his active-duty SEAL days. Now, he and his comrades track down and expose those who would steal the elite status of Navy SEAL. Russell's quest began seven years ago, when he began compiling a history of the SEALs. He asked former teammates to send original documents for him to photocopy and return. The problem was, many SEALs had lost their papers, or they had been accidentally destroyed. Undaunted, Russell contacted the National Naval Archives, which contains records from all military branches. Using the information he obtained there, Russell began to build his own database of every man who graduated from Basic Underwater Demolition/SEALs training. Only BUD/S graduates can become SEALs. The training is so grueling that only about one-third of those who start the course are able to finish, said Navy spokesman Lt. Cmdr. W. Jeffrey Alderson. The first eight weeks of the 25-week course focus on physical training, including timed runs, swimming in the ocean and obstacle courses. The first four weeks prepare students for Hell Week, when they train more than 80 hours in 5-1/2 days, sleeping no more than four hours a night. It is designed as the "ultimate test of one's physical and mental motivation," the training manual states. "Hell Week proves to those who make it that the human body can do 10 times the amount of work the average man thinks possible," it states. The rest of the course focuses on further training and seamanship. "It's extremely tough and rigorous training," Alderson said. "Often people opt out for medical reasons; they break legs, for example. They put you through a lot of cold and a lot of hard work. They find out what's inside the man. "It really does take its toll. That's why the men who make it through are phenomenal people." One well-known graduate is Minnesota's new governor, Jesse "The Body" Ventura. Compiling the database led Russell and his wife, Pam, to become "wannabe-busters." They formed the Naval Special Warfare Archives, a band of former SEALs. When they receive an inquiry about someone claiming to be a SEAL, a member of the group calls the person and asks questions only a SEAL can answer. They ask about class number or details about former teammates. So far, they have exposed about 2,000 frauds, said former SEAL Darryl Young. Only about 200 Navy SEALs served during the Vietnam War, Russell said. In addition to Russell and Young, Archives members include retired SEALs Ken Gless of Florida; Ty Zellers of Lebanon, Lebanon County; |
Table of Contents
Curtis Ashton (SEAL) Web Page
1. An Email from a buddy in Florida
I've learned that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is stalk them and hope they panic and give in.
I've learned that no matter how much I care, some people are just assholes.
I've learned that it takes years to build up trust, and only suspicion, not proof, to destroy it.
I've learned that you can get by on charm for about fifteen minutes. After that, you'd better have a big dick or huge tits.
I've learned that you shouldn't compare yourself to others - they are more fucked up than you think.
I've learned that you can keep puking long after you think you're finished.
I've learned that we are responsible for what we do, unless we are celebrities. (OJ come to mind?)
I've learned that regardless of how hot and steamy a relationship is at first, the passion fades, and there had better be a lot of money to take its place.
I've learned that sometimes the people you expect to kick you when you're down will be the ones who do.
I've learned that we don't have to ditch bad friends because their dysfunctional makes us feel better about ourselves.
I've learned that SEAL WannaBe's are here to stay, but so am I, and there is a line of my swimbuddies waiting to take my place.
I've learned that the people you care most about in life are taken from you too soon.
I've learned to say "Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke" in 6 languages.
by CHRIS PARKER, The Morning Call
This article is © The Morning Call Newspaper
Date: Tuesday, January 12, 1999
Page: A04
Edition: FIFTH
Robert Russell battled his way through the one of the most rigorous military training
regimens in the world to become a Navy SEAL.
After that, he battled his way through a four-year tour of Vietnam.
He's still fighting. Russell is the founder of a small band of men who expose those who falsely claim to be Navy SEALs.
In Vietnam, Russell wielded knives and grenades. Now, his weapons of war are computers, fax machines and a handful of retired SEALs scattered across the country.
Russell, 56, of Fort Collins, Colo., is long retired from his active-duty SEAL days. Now, he and his comrades track down and expose those who would steal the elite status of Navy SEAL.
Russell's quest began seven years ago, when he began compiling a history of the SEALs.
He asked former teammates to send original documents for him to photocopy and return.
The problem was, many SEALs had lost their papers, or they had been accidentally destroyed.
Undaunted, Russell contacted the National Naval Archives, which contains records from all military branches. Using the information he obtained there, Russell began to build his own database of every man who graduated from Basic Underwater Demolition/SEALs training. Only BUD/S graduates can become SEALs.
The training is so grueling that only about one-third of those who start the course are able to finish, said Navy spokesman Lt. Cmdr. W. Jeffrey Alderson.
The first eight weeks of the 25-week course focus on physical training, including timed runs, swimming in the ocean and obstacle courses.
The first four weeks prepare students for Hell Week, when they train more than 80 hours in 5-1/2 days, sleeping no more than four hours a night.
It is designed as the "ultimate test of one's physical and mental motivation," the training manual states.
"Hell Week proves to those who make it that the human body can do 10 times the amount of work the average man thinks possible," it states.
The rest of the course focuses on further training and seamanship.
"It's extremely tough and rigorous training," Alderson said. "Often people opt out for medical reasons; they break legs, for example. They put you through a lot of cold and a lot of hard work. They find out what's inside the man.
"It really does take its toll. That's why the men who make it through are phenomenal people."
One well-known graduate is Minnesota's new governor, Jesse "The Body" Ventura.
Compiling the database led Russell and his wife, Pam, to become "wannabe-busters."
They formed the Naval Special Warfare Archives, a band of former SEALs.
When they receive an inquiry about someone claiming to be a SEAL, a member of the group calls the person and asks questions only a SEAL can answer.
They ask about class number or details about former teammates.
So far, they have exposed about 2,000 frauds, said former SEAL Darryl Young.
Only about 200 Navy SEALs served during the Vietnam War, Russell said.
In addition to Russell and Young, Archives members include retired SEALs Ken Gless of Florida; Ty Zellers of Lebanon, Lebanon County; "Hoot" Andrews of Nevada, and Larry Bailey of Virginia.
Another Archives member is underwater photographer Steve Waterman of Maine. Although he is quick to say he was never a SEAL, he worked closely with the fighting force and is an active "wannabe-buster."
"We consider him a teammate," Young said.
The Archives have earned the respect of the Navy.
"The Russells have got the most extensive record-keeping of anyone," Alderson said. "They are our watchdogs. They are great. We send them the rosters of every BUD/S class that graduates."
Alderson said he's not surprised they have found so many false SEALs.
"People are drawn to the mystique of the Navy SEALs," he said. "Most real SEALs don't talk about it a whole lot."
Those who make it through BUD/S training to become SEALs are a tightly knit group.
"It's a matter of pride to be a SEAL," Pam Russell said. "After this training, these men form a bond. They are closer than brothers.
"For someone who has never even attempted that, it's such an insult. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but these guys don't feel flattered."
by CHRIS PARKER, The Morning Call
This article is © The Morning Call Newspaper
Date: Wednesday, January 13, 1999
Page: B01
Edition: FIFTH
Rocked by several years of troubles with suspended Superintendennt Raymond E. Aucker,
the Panther Valley School Board is digging deeper into the backgrounds of job applicants.
In November, when the board hired Peter Miller of Somerset County for $73,000 a year to replace Aucker, it closely scrutinized him and six other candidates.
"We used the IU (Carbon-Lehigh Intermediate Unit) to do a thorough background check on all the applicants," said school board President Ron Slivka. "This time, we wanted to make absolutely sure their education and past employment record was what they said it was."
School directors admit they did not examine Aucker's background before hiring him with a five-year contract in 1995.
"They relied on the Pennsylvania Department of Education," said school district solicitor Robert T. Yurchak.
The department certified Aucker as a superintendent based on information he supplied about his education and experience.
School directors say they became aware they may have made a mistake after Aucker had been in the job for less than a year. In 1996, directors say, they were dismayed to learn his doctoral degree was from an unaccredited, mail-order company.
The Department of Education said it didn't matter because the state does not require doctoral degrees for superintendent certification.
Also in 1996, Aucker was sharply criticized by board members for taking his wife on a taxpayer-funded, five-day trip to California for a school administrators' conference. Aucker argued that he paid his wife's expenses for the trip.
By 1997, the board was questioning Aucker's performance, particularly his frequent absences. In 1998, it began requiring all administrators and staff, except teachers, to clock in and out.
This week Aucker, a Navy veteran and commander of the Coaldale American Legion Post, was exposed as having lied to local veterans, school directors and others about being a Navy SEAL.
Aucker, who also is a retired Army reservist, did not list the SEALs on his application to the school district, but he did claim veteran's preference in hiring. State law gives veterans first chance at jobs.
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